Partners / Affiliates / Jobs

Partners / Affiliates / Jobs

Represent Angel Lingerie

Want to make money from Angel Lingerie? We are looking for people to help promote our site and products. On all areas of Social Media, be an Influencer for Angel and earn 10% Commissions on sales.

Step 1

Its simple. Join our Partner Program. (Click Here)
(This gives you a simple code/link so that when anyone visits our site and spends money you earn a 10% commision on all sales.)

Step 2

All you have to do is look at any of our pages or product pages and use the content, images (right click and save), text, prices etc. to create your own facebook market listings, blogs, instagram posts etc. Make sure to use at the end of the link the ?Ref=xxxxxxxxxxxx affiliate code created uniquely for you when you signed up.

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Works well with:

Facebook Markets:

The more you do, post/promote the more you can earn. Working from home full or part time. 

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All Payments are by Paypal. You can keep track of the traffic you generate, sales/commissions from your own Partner Program Pages.

Totally Free to try.

Simply join at

Facebook Help Page:

Some of our Partners have kindly set up an Angel Clothing ./ Angel Lingerie Reps Facebook Group. Once you have set up your affiliate account you may request to join the group by clicking the link below.

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1. Do I only earn commission on the product with my link code?

No. If you promote a gift item, and the customer buys a pair of Boots we pay 10% commission to you on everything they buy.

2. How much can I earn?

That's down to you. We're looking for creative people with original thoughts and ideas. The more you do the more you earn. Post 1 (For example Facebook Market Place) listing in a month and you will have a percentage chance depending on the product of making a commission. Post 10 everyday for a month and you could have 300 active posts/links each with a percentage chance of making you money. It can add up to a lot! And that's just Facebook.

3. Do we send you free items?

Mostly we just pay you money. But prove your worth and then ask us. At some point in the future we are considering occasional free promotional gift packs.

4. Can I make my own promotional Material?

Yes. If you want to photograph you own items you can use this to make your posts. If you want us to add images or text to a product page simply email us at Angel Clothing and if suitable we will update the listings. Our products consist of 2 types of images. Those from the manufacturer which are standard, and images we produce in house. In house images are solely for use by us, and by you to solely promote Angel :)

5. Photoshoots

If you are local or want to visit Angel Lingerie in Portsmouth, and want to come in and photograph your own promotional photos, Clothing / Boots / Homeware / Jewellery etc. Just contact us to arrange a date/time/products. We will simply get everything ready for you. We will then leave you alone in our large hall to make your own collections.

6. Models

See above. Just bring a photographer along.

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Useful Links / Pages

Coming Soon

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  • Respect other people's copyright
  • Respect any market place or group posting rules
  • Please be polite
  • People who break rules will be deleted and banned